How to take care of dogs?

Feeding the dog

  1. Giving quality food to dogs is one of the most important steps in keeping a dog. To do this, carefully read the labels on the foods you are going to buy. The two primary nutrients should be a type of meat, not a by-product of meat or grains. This will make sure that the prepared food is a good source of protein and does not just fill the dog’s stomach.
    Consult a veterinarian about dog food. Your veterinarian will guide you through the selection of the right food and give you helpful advice on how much food to give your dog.
  2. Feed the dog on a regular schedule. It is usually recommended that you feed your dog twice a day. Discover the right amount of food to give your dog a day, which is usually written on the packaging of dog food. Then divide this value into two parts. Give the first part to the dogs in the morning and the second part at night.

If you have a regular dog feeding schedule, you can easily take care of other tasks as well. Because dogs usually need to go to the bathroom 20 to 30 minutes after eating.

Dog health care

  1. Be sure to contact a good and reliable veterinarian. A good way to get to know your veterinarian is to see if he or she answers your questions correctly and completely, and to see how he or she treats your pet. The dog should be taken to a veterinarian regularly for check-ups. If your veterinarian is busy, find another veterinarian who can schedule a dog examination. Even after choosing a veterinarian and consulting him, change the veterinarian and see another veterinarian whenever needed and you are not satisfied with his work.
    Remember to know if your veterinarian is available 24 hours a day, and whether you can see him or her on weekends.
  2. Do not forget about dog vaccines. The veterinarian will give you complete information about common dog diseases in the area and prescribe the vaccine you want to prevent. Vaccination should be done as scheduled, usually once a year or once every three years, depending on common illnesses.

Dog treatment

  1. Comb the dog’s hair. The frequency of this procedure depends on various factors, including the breed of dog and the rate of hair growth. Combing your dog’s hair regularly prevents hair loss and you can also assess changes in the dog’s body. You should always keep your dog’s skin and hair tidy and untied.
    If your dog has excessive hair loss, buy anti-shave shampoos at pet stores. Once a week in the bath, comb the dog’s hair with special brushes to reduce hair loss.
  2. Clean the dog’s skin and hair. Dirty skin causes secondary infectious diseases. Whenever the dog needs to be washed and gets dirty, wash the dog with a mild, special shampoo. Most dogs do not need to bathe more than once a month, depending on the activity of the dog and its breed.

Dogs play, practice and socialize

  1. Provide plenty of exercise and play for the dog. Depending on the type of dog you have, you should consider different activities for the dog. For example, some dogs need more play and others need longer walks. Once every two days, take between half an hour and 45 minutes to play and entertain the dogs to drain their energy. You may have a dog that does not get tired no matter how active it is during the day. For example, terrier dogs can crawl all day and do not get tired.
  2. Stimulate the dog’s mind with reward-based training methods. Dogs, like humans, get bored. In order to provide a happy life for your dog, you need to take the issue of mental stimulation seriously. This motivation may take the form of obedient teachings. It is very important to teach the dog things like sitting, waiting and coming to do as you are told.

Treat dogs with love and respect

Treat your dog with respect. Never use corporal punishment or treat dogs the way you like. For example, choose a respectable name for the dog and do not use strange, scary and unusual names, for example, killer or psychic. Choosing a name has a big impact on how others treat dogs.
If the dog is misbehaving, review the situation again and check which of your reactions or misbehavior caused the misbehavior.
Do not forget that your dog has a set of basic needs that must be met. For example, he should have full access to the toilet to do so without getting himself and his house dirty. It is inhumane to keep a dog in a kennel for long periods of time without contact with humans. Give dogs a chance to be free and communicate.

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